There are a variety of services available for both sports performance training and fitness. Cutting Edge offers classes, private training, semi-private training, and team training packages for all ages and levels above 8 years old. Training sessions can range anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, and from 1x/week to 5x/week, all depending on how much guidance and supervision you are looking for, what you need, and your availability. Please click on the "Contact Us" tab for more detailed info on pricing and the specific type of program that would best fit your needs.
(*Classes currently not being offered)

This 1 Hour class focuses on high performance speed and agility training targeted towards multi-sport athletes ages 12 and up. Workouts involve intense training for foot speed, change of direction, explosion, reaction, linear speed, core training, metabolic conditioning and more. Athletes will perform various types of plyometrics, resisted movement drills using resistance bands and sleds, the Vertimax, and the Run Rocket Speed Trainer. Workouts also involve injury prevention, mobility, and recovery training. This class is great for any athlete who wishes to focus solely on speed and quickness, explosive power and high intensity conditioning. (football, baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, tennis, etc.)

This 1 Hour class is specifically for strength and power training targeted towards athletes ages 12 and up who wish to get stronger, more powerful, and learn how to train properly. Workouts will include injury prevention, strength training, Olympic lifting, plyometrics, core training, med ball work, weighted sleds and more, and are adjusted for individual needs depending on experience and current training capacity. Athletes of any sport ranging from football, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, lacrosse and more will benefit from this class. Attendance up to 4x/week is possible for those who want to train more frequently, but 2-3x/week is suitable.

This 1 Hour class combines speed, strength and plyometric training for beginner to intermediate level athletes who wish to improve athleticism and develop full body strength and power. Also good for athletes who are currently out of shape or returning from injury, or advanced level athletes looking for a quick and comprehensive In-Season workout to enhance or maintain their performance. These sessions are targeted towards athletes 12yo and up, yet will certainly enhance performance and promote injury prevention for any level athlete. Athletes will participate in numerous drills for flexibility, core strength, foot speed, acceleration, max velocity, agility, explosive power, reaction, and full body strengthening. Thus, athletes will learn the basics of Olympic lifting, the use of free weights and proper lifting technique, and other effective functional strengthening exercises. This program is essential for young athletes prior to entering the high school ranks, as well as high school level athletes and above who have limited time to train due to school and practice. Cutting Edge recommends athletes participate in these workouts 2-3 times/week.

Some athletes respond better to one-on-one instruction versus being in a group or class setting. For those seeking personal attention and coaching to their specific needs, Cutting Edge private training packages provide tailored instruction from a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. The benefits of private training also include more detail to an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, and allow for more daily customization and preparation for a specific sport and position. Private training workouts can range anywhere from 30min, 1-hour, 1.5-hour, to 2-hour training sessions, up to 6 days/week. Additionally, athletes will be able to schedule appointments that meet their particular scheduling needs. Upon initial consultation of your current situation and goals, Cutting Edge will customize the right training package for you.

Semi-Private training is available for 2 to 5 athletes who want to train together. This is great for athletes of the same sport, level, and/or team so the training is suited more specifically for their needs. Semi-Private sessions are similar to Private Training, but the cost is significantly lower per athlete. Another key benefit to Semi-Private training is athletes get to train with their friends and/or teammates, which often times can provide more motivation, fun and commitment.

If you have a team that is interested in training together as a group, this is a great way not only to maximize their athletic development, but also a means to build team unity and cohesiveness. Great teams push each other and work together, and thus athletic performance training will challenge the team to enhance their abilities and overcome adversity collectively. Cutting Edge provides intense training for speed, agility, strength and power utilizing state of the art methods and equipment. Thus, your team will work under the direction of a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, who will customize workouts based on the coach’s feedback, a team evaluation, and the time of year (pre-season vs. in-season). Team training can be provided on-site at our facility, or if desired, Cutting Edge may be able to provide the workouts off-site at your location.

Cutting Edge Sports Training and Todd Norman offer an elite level training program to help athletes prepare for the upcoming NFL Combine and Pro Day Evaluations. This program involves the best of what Todd can offer from a structured daily training regimine to maximize an athletes speed, agility, power, mobility, and more. Specific training for the 40 yard dash, short shuttle, vertical jump, broad jump, and 225 Bench Press is combined with other specialized training not only designed to prepare the athlete for test day, but further to enter training camp after the draft ready to compete for a roster spot.

Many people try to perform various types of fitness programs that seem exciting, but end up being destructive and dangerous to their body, which often times lead to long term injuries. Cutting Edge however has the expertise to get people in great shape using the right training exercises for their specific needs and abilities, while also ensuring they are pushed to their limits safely. Thus, it is not a "one program fits all" training system. If you are trying to lose weight, gain weight, learn proper training technique, participate in a structured training program led by a true fitness expert, Cutting Edge has a variety of training systems designed for both men and woman that will help you achieve your goals most effectively. Fitness programs may involve core training, circuit training, bodybuilding, Olympic lifting, athletic training, and various forms of dynamic power training when necessary.